To another discerning of spirits. I Corinthians 12:10
The gift of discerning spirits is very important to the body of Christ and imperative to be used in the ministry of deliverance. Demons are deceitful and they are liars always trying to lead the believer astray!
For those who are born-again, and Spirit-filled we have weapons and armor for the spiritual war raging on the planet! With millions of precious children being murdered by abortion, crime on the rise in liberal cities, drugs being pushed throughout, and poisoning thousands I would say we are in a full-scale spiritual war!
It is time for those who know the truth to stand against our enemies with the sword of the Spirit and our weapons of war and defeat them in the name, power, blood, and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ! To this ministry we are called, to defeat the powers of darkness and to make disciples of all nations!
The Holy Spirit explicitly says that in latter times (now) some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. I Timothy 4:1
Your servant in Christ, Timothy Laughlin
Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ